Wasting My Soul On Rock N Roll
Probably one of the lamer blogs you'll see. We'll see how it goes.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Thursday, June 21, 2007
It's hottttttttt......
I'm sweatin' my balls off here. Hahahahaha..... So here's my second blog update this year. I'm home sick from work today. Went to Quickcare down in Marietta first thing this morning and seen a friend I hadn't talked to in at least 8 years. Time flies. I tried looking her up on Myspace, but alas I couldn't find her. Dammit!
Anyways, I'm off today due to a throat infection. Sore f*&king throat....in June. I know what caused it. They just installed a new air conditioning system at work. It's huge....must be 10x10 and they have a duct 4 foot in diameter coming out of it and it's blowing right on me all day long. They only have it running at 25% because if they turn it up any higher, you can see your breath. It's that cold. I'm digging out my toboggan for work tomorrow.
I'm going to see Poison this weekend in Columbus. White Lion was supposed to be there, and they were the reason I was going, but they cancelled. Oh well. It'll still be a good show. Got a few other shows coming up....Police...White Stripes...Interpol...The Killers....should be a kickass summer.
Plus, I've got the beach trip coming up as well. This might be the last trip this year. I dunno. Might hit up NYC again in the fall, not sure yet. I've gotta save some money for SXSW in Austin next March, and Hohmans wedding in Vegas in April. I really need to plan another Tempe trip too. Seems like only yesterday I was going out there 4-5 times a year. I haven't been out there since they tore down Long Wongs on Mill Ave. I miss that place.
Alright, I'm off to take a nap.
I'm sick, remember.
Monday, January 22, 2007
It's freeeeezing!
I'm freezin my nuts off here. Winter has finally arrived and it sucks. I miss my El Nino. Nino should have one of those squiggly things above the second n, but I have no idea how to do it. The holidays were good, ended up getting a PS3 so needless to say I haven't been doing much else. Been a couple of months since I've even been to a concert. I've got a few shows lined up, plus I've got another NYC weekend booked for April. No new pictures to post. Nothin else goin on. Then end.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Hahahahaha.....so it's been a week since I went to NYC to see the Peacemakers and I figured I'd post about it.
I flew into NYC Friday afternoon and made my way to the hotel, just north of Times Square. I hate staying midtown, but the show was at BB Kings, which is on 42'nd street, and I needed to get somewhere within stumbling distance. Since the show was Saturday, I had the evening free, so I stuck around Times Square. Been awhile since I'd been this far north, so it was cool....for about an hour.....then came the rain.
Rained like crazy Friday night and into Saturday morning. The plan was to hook up with some people down on the Lower East Side and start the pre-party down there and work our way uptown. Well, due to the storm, we decided to meet up closer to the venue. So I had time to kill. I found my way to Hurleys Irish Pub, on 48th St. It was still raining off and on, so I just decided to hang out and watch some football. This place is really great, if you're ever in the neighborhood, stop in and see Tasha. Anyways, my friend Tom gives me a call and we meet up at Scruffy Duffys, on 8th Ave. A very cool bar too. There were quite a few Peacemaker fans that met up with us there.

Mekong, Tom, Slim, and Me

Me, Alex, and Slim
I'm not gonna post everyone's picture on here. If you want to see the rest, click on one of the pictures above.
The show, as always, was killer. I ended up getting to meet Steve's sister, and we went backstage after the show and hung out with the band for a bit.

Made my way back to the hotel and crashed. Caught the flight home Sunday morning.
Then End.
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Vegas baby, Vegas.
So Matty and I decided he needed one last hurrah before he becomes a daddy, so we hopped on a plane and headed to Sin City. The plan was to fly in Saturday night, go see GNR on Sunday at the Hard Rock, and then head home Monday afternoon. Pretty quick trip. Long enough to lose the clothes off my back, but not long enough to lose the house.
We get to the Tropicana and check in, and they inform me that the room I'd reserved wasn't avaliable, but that they had one with a king size bed instead. WTF? Not much I could do, bastards. There was a couch in the room as well, so I claimed that and let Matt have the bed.
Now about this bed.....I'm thinkin that they use this room as the honeymoon suite, cause there were freakin mirrors everywhere. Over the bed, beside the bed, behind the bed. Here's a pic of Matt trying to hide on the bed.
Matt, do you realize how much semen is on that bedspread?
It's a little blurry, but I was laughing so hard taking it. Matt kept yelling at me from under the pillow. Somethin about not wanting people to see this shit. Oops.
About 3 am, we're trying to sleep and there's a group of drunk people from a couple doors down riding a room service cart down the hallway and crashing it into stuff. We took turns watching this through the peephole and it was hilarious as fuck seeing some dude go flying face first down the hall on this cart, and then hearing the crash from him slamming into a wall. This lasted for about 40 minutes and then security showed up and booted them outta the hotel. THAT'S why we didn't go into the hallway to watch. Although I would've loved to have gotten a couple pics. I did get a pic of the damage they did the next morning.
This was the door right next to us. They also had messed up a couple of walls on down the hall. Funny stuff.
We ended walking around a bit Sunday. Here's a couple pics.
New York, New York
MGM Grand
Wait...let's look a little closer at that sign.
Laces OUT, Dan.
Hooters Hotel was pretty cool. The smell was unbelievable. The whole place smelled like their chicken wings. That made my super hungry. But we didn't eat there. No --I had somewhere else I had to go.
Now THAT'S what I'M talkin about. 2x4 Animal Style with fries. I was in heaven. They NEED to get these out east.
After that, we walked around some more and I took some more pics.
Gotta get my Goose on. What? The horse seemed surprised.
Matt, how the fuck is he supposed to see where he's goin?
The GNR show that night was great. They played for 2.5 hours. We caught a cab back to the hotel and crashed.
Monday we checked out of the hotel and wandered around some more until it was time to leave.
We caught the monorail at MGM and took it up to Harrahs. Tickets for the monorail were 5 bucks for everyone, except me. I put a 20 in the machine for my ticket and it gave me 14 dollar coins as change - and one Chuck E Cheese token. It's not even the same size! Dammit. We ended up walking up to the Venetian, so here's a couple of pictures from there.
Matt swears that those gondolas have motors on them. I'm not sure.
The Mirage.
I asked these guys if the monorail ticket machine ever screwed them, but they weren't talkin.
After that, it was time to head home. Tired, broke, but happy.
That's all for now. Monster post for me. I've got NYC coming up, so keep checking back.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Today was a good day.
Today was a good day. Went to Columbus today to see Jack's Mannequin play an acoustic show at the Basement. They are opening up for O.A.R. tomorrow night at Promowest, and CD101 brought them in a day early for a benefit show.
The line was wrapped around the block when I got there. It was announced last minute, Friday I think, and it sold out. I'm pretty sure I was the oldest person there, which kind of weirds me out sometimes. This was definately a young crowd. The plus side : easier to get a beer.
Anyway, they played for about an hour
That's a picture I took with my phone. Crappy, I know.
After the show, the lead singer came out and signed autographs, so I got my cd signed.
It was beautiful out for the ride home. Windows down, sunroof open. It was a good day.
Friday, June 02, 2006
Is This Frequent Enough?
It's pissing down the rain today, my only day off this week. My lawn looks like shit. My car needs washed. And I'm hungry. Perfect day, eh? I've been working tons of OT as of late. Not sure what's gotten into me. It's gonna ruin my slacker rep.
Upcoming events:
June 16 CMJ Music Fest at the Rock Hall in Cleveland
June 26 We Are Scientists at Little Brothers
Lots of work and playstation in between.